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Decorative Objects

Coivd-19 Safety Protocols

Hygiene and cleaning

· All staff and clients are required to wear face coverings the entire time you are in the indoor massage studio and if you do not have a suitable mask we can provide you one. (Per guidance from local & state health authorities).

· Staff are required to hand wash often as possible before and after each treatment and throughout the day. Staff will follow the procedures outlined above the sink.

· Clients will be asked to use hand sanitizer (provided) immediately upon entering the massage studio. Appropriate supplies (tissues, soap and water, and/or hand sanitizer, etc.) will be provided to ensure proper hygiene procedures.

· Doorknobs, countertops, seating, surfaces, payment equipment and high-touch surfaces will be cleaned after every treatment/use. Floors are cleaned after every treatment.

· Out-take ventilation, Hepa Air filters and forced air heat/cool units will be running on high setting to ensure best ventilation and airflow for social distancing.


About Service

· We will stagger appointments to allow for the air to filter property and allow the cleaning product scents to dissipate,

· Temperature checks will be performed upon arrival at the program with a safety questionnaire. Screening and attendance.

· Clients or staff showing symptoms should remain home. All therapists are trained in these health and safety protocols.


15935 NE 8th St.,

Suite A104 & B200

Bellevue, Wa, 98008 


Call/ Text: 425-246-1938

Fax:  425-272-6036


Tu :    10am - 6pm

Wed: 10am - 6pm 

Thu:   10am - 6pm

Fri:     10pm-6pm

Sat:   10am - 6pm 

Sun:   10 am - 6pm (Massage Only)

By appointments ONLY

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